Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's Hot In Topeka

The dichotomy of the human mind amazes me.

On one hand, the story of Barbaro and the outpouring of emotion and tributes to the racehorse are heartwarming. Even non-sports people were concerned about the horse and many signs are currently hanging outside the hospital where Barbaro is being treated.

All fine and good.

But as one writer put it, "And if Barbaro hadn't been heavily sedated, I'm sure he would have posted a note of his own after surgery: 'Thanks so much for the kind words. But I'm a [bleeping] horse, so I can't read, you stupid, stupid morons.'"

All from the heart -- none of the head.

I really can't blame anyone, but it is amusing when you look at it from the writer's position.

In another "moron" moment, a new search feature called Google Trends tracks how often people search for topics. An interesting little tool to be sure, but I really can't see the practical use -- yet.

However, in what has to be a quirk in the fabric of the Internet, the most searched for term in Google Tracks is -- Yahoo.

Yes, Yahoo is the most searched for term in the Google search engine. The irony is delicious, and very disturbing.

What manner of web visitor uses one gateway to find another? One that obviously needs a new homepage, more lessons, or their computer taken away from them.

And that started a whole new conversation on who needs things taken away from them because they don't know how to use them -- kids away from deadbeat parents, driver's licenses away from idiots on the roadway, baseball teams away from owners who couldn't put together an office softball team.

You get the idea.

Then again, some people probably think I need my keyboard taken away from me. Come and get it.

And right up my alley -- this clip just gets better every time I watch it. It gets into your brain -- so beware!

Pick my hot toe! Pick it! Topeka's hot. My toe is hot. Pick it.


Anonymous said...

Correct . . .
Response? . . .
Three words . . .


Anonymous said...

I don't get the Topeka part?

Larry said...

did you watch the video clip at the bottom?

Anonymous said...

Very funny!

Anonymous said...

The minds of some people on this earth still amazes me on a daily basis. I am in total agreement with the bible verse of Psalms 118:8 which states " It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."
