Tuesday, May 02, 2006

And Here's The Pitch...

In the grand scheme of things, what is important?

Are you responsible for your actions? Do you step up to the plate and own up to what you do and the consequences of such behavior?

So many times it appears that people want to blame someone or something else whenever trouble arises or problems occur. Video games have often been the target when parents themselves have the power to control what their children play.

Recently, there has been much grinding of teeth and anger management class registration over rising gas prices. Some will claim it is greed by the oil companies while others point to the ecomonic law of supply and demand.

A news reporter who I respect greatly and I were talking about gas prices and electricity rate increases when she pointed out (and rightly so) that these are businesses who are supposed to make money. You can argue that they are making too much money, but as any business owner will tell you, you make as much as you can when you can.

Can we lower our gasoline bills? Sure -- drive slower, buy more gas efficient cars, make sure our vehicles are properly tuned.

There have been e-mails floating around about boycotting gas stations. That really doesn't work because people don't stop using gas for that day -- they just go get it from some place else, which raises its rates because of the greater demand on their constant supply.

It is a catch-22. Will we be able to get gas prices down below $2 a gallon? Probably not, because we aren't the only country using oil in the world. It would take a concerted effort by everyone on the planet.

We are a global society with global needs and demands. But we can act individually to control our own destinies. If enough people exercise control, who knows what can happen?

As I often say, you can only control your own actions. You can try to influence others, but ultimately, it is up to them how they are going to act.

The bat is in your hands. Step up to the plate.

"So this is how liberty dies - with thunderous applause."

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