Friday, June 30, 2006

The Brains You Were Given

When did humans become imbued with the power of invulnerability?

I ask because every time storms drive waters higher and higher, more and more people think they are immune from the dangers inherent with floods. And this isn't just a random occurrence.

During the recent heavy rains and flooding, five people tragically died in central Maryland because of raging waters. The real tragedy is that all five of these deaths could have been prevented.

Three people were swept away from the bed of a pick-up truck after being rescued from their car that was stuck in water rushing across a road. Two teens were killed while playing near a rain-swollen creek.

The warnings are always announced: do not drive across water on the roads and stay away from rising creeks and rivers. Yet, there is always someone who thinks nothing will happen to them and, invariably, does.

Is it because they don't want to be inconvenienced by a detour? Is it because rising waters are something new?

It is a matter of risk and reward. I know there have been times when I've pushed the envelope, but only if the reward was worth the potential risk.

Is the reward of getting somewhere 5 minutes early worth your life and the lives of your passengers? Is the reward of playing in rushing waters worth your future?

Even if you think it is, think about the people you may be putting in danger as they try to rescue you from something out of your control. And please obey the signs.

News photographer Bob Moore showed me some video of rushing waters in Harford County. As I watched, a vehicle attempted to plow through the water -- and nearly made the mistake others have made. Watch it and you'll see.

Only you can decide what you are going to do. Just make sure you do it by considering all the factors -- and remembering that you don't have a red cape and a big "S" on your chest.


Anonymous said...

you could've been so much more fierce about that! "moron" would've worked, just like yesterday.

Anonymous said...

People think they are infallible. And as C.S. Lewis said: "Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed."
Any questions?.......