Monday, December 05, 2005

Wallets, Wars and Wonder

The holiday season tends to wear on people's nerves and their wallets.

I have vowed not to enter any store or mall to purchase Christmas gifts. Everything will be done online or via magazines.

The hassle of parking, the hostility of angry shoppers and the uncertainty of actually finding what I want/need fuels my boycott. I've come close in previous years, but this will be the season for 100% compliance.

I'm not going and you can't make me. Besides, think of the money I'm saving.


Speaking of money, I heard a report this week that the United States is now spending $5 billion a month on the war in Iraq. Yes, that is billion with a B.

And that doesn't even take into account the untold costs in human life.

I'm not getting into whether we belong there or not, but I am going to get into the wisdom of spending that much money on a conflict that appears to have no end in the very near future. Some experts said the U.S. may be needed in Iraq for another 5 to 10 years and the final bill could reach $1 trillion.

Thomas Jefferson said, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." It is also apparently requires very deep pockets.


The television station I work at recently did a story about how a local volunteer fire department was in need of financial help and how the "Katrina Effect" had dampened the giving efforts.

Now, I have read how other fire departments want to know why they weren't highlighted because they need money too.

Forgive me if I'm missing something, but this sounds just a tad like envy. Since there are many volunteer fire companies around the state (and probably all in need of donations), does that mean we need to do a story about each one?

Or perhaps we should just ignore the story all together since we can't do a story on them all?

Or perhaps people should be donating to their local volunteer fire departments without us doing any story at all because these are the guys that will be coming to your house at 1 a.m. to rescue you and your loved ones -- and they do it because of their large hearts and dedication.

Don't forget these guys and gals in your annual gift giving. They'll be there when you need them.


Snow is in the forecast. Let the hoarding of milk, bread and toilet paper begin. And please shovel and salt your walkways in front of your homes. Just because it "isn't my job" doesn't mean you can't help out. Remember, the back you save may just be your own.

"So you fell in a vat of acid, got your skin bleached, and decided to become a super-villain. What, you couldn't get work as a rodeo clown?" -- Batman

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.

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