Friday, November 25, 2005

Group Effort

It is over. I'm sorry for missing last week, but the planning and pre-planning for this Thanksgiving was way over the mark.

This was my first attempt at a real turkey -- not some turkey roll or turkey breast. Why an actual bird this year? Families from both sides of the aisle were planning to attend, including my parents and Kim's father.

Now before you think it was some Hallmark moment with 20 people and 6 more at the kids' table, it was a much smaller affair than that. My immediate family consists of my mom and dad and one younger brother. Kim's nearby family is her dad and her younger brother.

Be that as it may, the pressure was on.

I decided since I was going to be adventurous, it was time to really go all out. I decided to smoke my turkey.

When I planned this, the temperatures were in the 60s and being outside with the grill didn't seem like a bad idea. However when Thanksgiving rolled around, snow was still present on the deck and the wind was biting.

My biggest fear -- okay, second biggest fear -- came true though. Things were getting done at different times and warming concerns became the focus of the meal.

All the good chefs use assistants -- or soux chefs. I had two that really helped me out with slicing and mixing and dealing with things I missed/didn't have time for/didn't want to deal with.

Smells and sounds drifted out into the living room and those who weren't cooking would make their way through the kitchen to observe, comment, taste and move on. At one point, I stopped and wedged myself into a corner to take it all in.

The holidays have always been about togetherness and making a meal -- this meal -- gave us all the chance to talk, laugh, argue and just be with one another. In a way, it is sad that it doesn't happen more often, but distance, schedules and plans have a nasty habit of getting in the way.

I hope all of you had the chance to spend the holidays with someone important or someone you just wanted to share the day with. It doesn't matter if your portion of the day is to sit, watch football and eat -- it matters that you were there when it all happened.

Being together.

Now, somebody tell me what to do with this turkey carcass? Mom won't let me throw it away.

And holy guacamole, could the shopping season get started any sooner? My friends at Starbucks have been decorated for Christmas since mid-November, but they at least refrained from holiday music. Now that we are past Turkey Day, I guess it starts in earnest. Let the elbowing begin.

"This song is called "Alice's Restaurant." It's about Alice, and the restaurant, but "Alice's Restaurant" is not the name of the restaurant, that's just the name of the song. That's why I call the song "Alice's Restaurant."" -- Arlo Guthrie

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.

1 comment:

Kyleen said...

Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Sounds like you had a good time despite the stress. Turkey Carcass: Put it in a stock pot of water with veggies and herbs and let it simmer for a couple hours. Freeze it and use for soup later. Don't know if you have that much time though. It's supposed to take at least 6 hrs. Not time for that just boil it and make soup that day. :)