Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy... Um... Merry... Er...

Happy Holidays to all readers of Touch 'Em All.

Don't be offended. My declaration to you is not meant to exclude anyone or anything from your particular holiday.

If anything, it is to include everyone in this time of joy and happiness.

This season, more and more people are actually offended by that simple greeting. From the Christian Conservatives who are upset with the White House holiday card to simple interactions at your local mega-mart.

Those on one side cry because "Happy Holidays" takes Christ out of Christmas. What they fail to take into account are the number of holidays that occur at this time of year and the fact that not everyone celebrates Christmas -- and that it is likely Jesus was not born on Dec. 25.

Several sources indicate that the actual Christmas holiday is of pagan origin -- a celebration of the winter feast. A declaration by Pope Julius I in 350 A.D. that Christ's birth would be celebrated on Dec. 25 was done to be able to convert as many of the pagans to Christianity as possible -- since they wouldn't lose their winter holiday.

Indeed, many of the features associated with Christmas (exchanging of gifts, burning of the Yule log, decorating trees) were rooted in pagan festivals. "Back in the day," early Christians would appropriate many pagan holidays and convert them in an effort to stamp out their ancient traditions.

These days, there are other holidays that fall towards the end of the year -- the Winter Solstice, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.

And among Western cultures, Christmas itself has divided into two nearly separate holidays -- one to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and one to celebrate joy and happiness with Santa Claus. Is it commercialism or Christianity?

Why can't it be both and more?

There are those who say that political correctness has gone too far and fails to recognize their own individual beliefs about the holiday season. However, if I choose to say, "Happy Holidays" to you, am I not recognizing that your beliefs are just as important as mine and I recognize our individual differences?

Let us all celebrate the holiday season together and our own holidays individually. There is nothing wrong with coming together with our beliefs -- no matter how varied -- as long as we respect each other's beliefs -- whatever they may be.

And right now, I believe I will have another cup of hot chocolate.

Peace, love, joy and happiness to each and all of you. I think we can all agree on that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the masses of people are getting nuttier and less tolerant all the time. We should all value life and be grateful for each day that we are blessed with life, and show respect for other people's individuality. Happy holidays, happy holiday season, happy every day covers it all and should not offend anyone. Peace on earth is what we should be wishing everyone.