Monday, February 28, 2005

Gaze Into The Crystal Ball

I know you will read this column unless at this point you decide not to read it just to prove me wrong.

I predict you will scoff/laugh/cry at least once before the end of this column.

I can't tell you if you actually will scoff/laugh/cry so be sure and get angry with me if you don't.

There are very few people who make their living by predicting the future. Stock brokers, gamblers, fortunetellers and meteorologists all fall into that category.

Most of us glance at our horoscope, wonder if it will happen, totally believe in it at the end of the day if it does or dismiss it out of hand if it doesn’t. We like to think we know what is going to happen and search for someone -- anyone -- to tell us so we can feel better.

However, as hard as we search and want, we get really upset if someone we want to tell us the future is wrong. Stockbrokers and gamblers can cost us money that we "invest" with them. Fortunetellers cost us money because we pay them.

Meteorologists are a different situation. While brokers and gamblers can increase our bank accounts and fortunetellers can reassure that we are (insert prediction you want to come true), meteorologists can control very important aspects of our lives.

Recent forecasts by the National Weather Service and all the television meteorologists in the area have been predicting some sort of precipitation falling from the sky. The tricky part has been trying to decide what type of precip is falling and when it will change from one to another.

I have to admit that I listen to these guys and gals and plan my day accordingly. I also shake my head when they are off, but I never, EVER flame them. I completely understand that they are trying to predict Mother Nature -- whom I think listens to the forecasts and changes them just to mock the meteorologists.

It amazes me though how many people get so mad because their predictions don't come true. These meteorologists use their training, skill and expertise to give them the best shot at telling us what is coming down -- or not coming down.

(Let me peel back the curtain for a moment.)

Viewers often blast the meteorologists by saying something along the lines of "if I did my job like you do yours, I'd get fired." I always think, "what the heck is your job and how often are you predicting the future?"

Thinking along those lines, I want my police officers at the scene of the crime before it happens. I want road crews to fill the pothole before it is created. I want the restaurant to prepare my food before I get there and order it. I want teachers to instruct children on what they should know specifically for what they are going to do when they get out of school -- not give them skill sets to prepare them for whatever they are going to do.

Before you hit the "send" button, I am not criticizing any of those professions. I really don't expect anyone to exactly predict any of that. However, I do want police to patrol to prevent crime, road crews to fix roads that are broken, restaurants to have the foods I want and teachers to give children a good education.

I also want the meteorologists to analyze the data, use their training and give me their best shot.

And it doesn't cost me any money either. So I guess I'm getting what I pay for.

Now, if I get can get my bookie on the line in time for the World Series and find my Tarot cards...

Long time readers will notice that this is familiar territory. I also wonder why people feel compelled to write and threaten to (go to another web site/watch another station/come here and beat me up). Then, when you offer them an explaination to their complaint, they are loving, begging for forgiveness, and saying you are their favorite (web site/television show/station). Total weirdness -- but that's another rant. "No time for love, Dr. Jones!"

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Write to me or add a comment below and tell me what you think or if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Anonymous said...

Larry ~ I missed reading your column. It was something I looked forward to every Friday morning. Our society is such that we expect something for nothing and we want it NOW. We have become a very unthankful, ungrateful society. Some people think they should have everything, while others are content with what they have. Looking forward to reading your column.

Larry said...

Glad you found me. I just don't understand why people feel "entitled" to bash meteorologists. We don't blast sports guys when they get the scores wrong.