Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tights And Capes

I thought I'd start off with a couple of complete time wasters this week. These are just a few goofy sites that I thought were fun.

"Which Super Villian Are You?" and "Which Super Hero Are You?" are a couple of personality tests that give results in comic book characters. You answer a series of questions and it evaluates you with the villian or hero you allegedly most resemble.

My villian turned out to be Dr. Doom -- blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity. Hmmm. I didn't realize I was that vain.

My other top choices were Mr. Freeze, The Joker (now that's my kind of villian) and Lex Luthor. The Joker just seems so free and random -- oh, and a bit psychopathic as well.

My superhero was SpiderMan -- you are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. Yeah. I can totally see that.

My other choices were Superman and The Flash (my favorite). Superman is too perfect -- not a big fan of him. Now, Batman on the other hand...

The other time waster actually can help you out when you are looking for a food choice. Say you and some of your friends want to have lunch together, but no one wants to make a decision.

Enter the "Wheel of Food".

Enter your zip code, spin the wheel, and your lunch decision is made. While there are some dubious choices, it is just for fun. Your stomach is your own responsibility.

I like the disclaimer though. "Ignore the advice of the wheel at your own peril. Avoid making sudden eye contact with the wheel. Do not taunt the wheel. The wheel knows where you live."

Oooooo. Scary.

And one final thought: shovel your driveways out to the road. The car you save may be mine.

"The kind of man who'd make a choice/For if I hold my tongue I'll never lose my voice" -- Barenaked Ladies

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Allow Me To Introduce Myself

Yeah, yeah.

What if I've got nothing to say?

True, I don't believe it either. But there are times when coherent thought isn't the best thing for me.

For those who haven't seen me in person, I'm 5' 7 1/2" tall and weigh about 160 pounds. I have been told I have an athletic build and my doctor says that she's happy with my body shape. Good enough for me.

I'm also in my mid-40s. Haven't had a full head of hair since my mid 20s and am gaining more scars that most people should. I also spend lots of time on the computer (for work, for play and for communication) and I play video games on my PS2.

Here is my question: why do people keep telling me that I don't act my age?

If I hear one more person say, "You don't act like you're old," I think I'm going to scream... or maybe throw a tantrum.

Yes, I like to play contact sports. Yes, I like to joke and have fun. And yes, I like beating the odds.

For all of you people who have some preconceived notion of what I should and shouldn't be doing, I think it is time for you to get out of my way. You are not going to bring me down just because you can't have the fun and adventures I'm having.

But you can join me. There is plenty of room on the fun bus. Just tell me what you want to do and I'm very likely to do it at least once... ok, maybe twice.

Oh, and I'm not old. It is not the years. It is the mileage (and I've got extended warranty).

"Why you act crazy/Not an act maybe/So close a lady/Shifty eyes shady" -- Alice In Chains

Monday, January 22, 2007

Clearing The Cache

It is dumping time. Time to get rid of some recent thoughts without really getting worked up about too much.


The region's first snowstorm was more fizzle than fantastic. We got a little snow with a nice crusting of freezing rain on top.

It was enough to create some slippery roads, but absolutely terrible to play in. And if you can't play in it, what good is it?

I even went to the grocery store on Sunday and there wasn't the rush on milk, bread, toliet paper that we've all come to know and expect. Maybe the public is becoming more sensible when it comes to snowy weather.



The Colts are in the Super Bowl.

In my youth, that would have been a grand statement. I rooted for Johnny Unitas, Raymond Berry, Mike Curtis (my football hero as a kid), and the rest of the Baltimore Colts.

However, these are the Indianapolis Colts. I will say that I am a fan of Peyton Manning and Tony Dungy -- two class acts in the NFL.

I just have a reflex to detest the Indy Colts. I still remember the Mayflower moving vans taking my team out in the middle of the night.

But I really would like to see the Colts win. What is a Baltimore Colts fan to do?


Last week, two boys were rescued after being taken from their families. One of the boys was missing for four years.

It didn't take long after their rescue for the families to show up on the talk show circuit. That seems to be the progression of things these days.

I just had a problem with the family and boy that had been missing for four years showing up on the Oprah Winfrey show. Not only was Oprah asking inappropriate questions (like was he sexually assaulted -- do we really need to know that?), but the father and mother admitted they had not talked to their son about his disappearance and what happened to him during those four years.

Are you kidding me?

If my child were missing for four years and suddenly returned to me, the very last place I'd put him/her is in front of a television camera. I'd spend as much time making them feel comfortable and begin the process of healing -- physically and mentally.

It was just creepy. And I can't wash it off either.

"Too alarming now to talk about/Take your pictures down and shake it out/Truth or consequence, say it aloud/Use that evidence, race it around" -- Foo Fighters

Friday, January 12, 2007

Brand New Year

Miss me?

It is two weeks into the new year. How many of you broke your resolutions already?

I didn't make any, so I'm safe. I just wanted to continue doing what I'm doing -- the best I can.

But now I'm posed with a question. Is my best good enough? Can I do more? Can I give 110%?

Ultimately, am I the one to answer those question? Or are others in a better position to see my potential and my capabilities and determine if they are reaching as far as they can?

As you can see, more questions than answers. And even when I get those answers, I'll probably have questions about that. It is a flaw in my programming.

I'm finding more flaws that I care to admit to. Which is fine by me. I never considered myself a finished product anyway and want to be challenged physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically to improve myself and the world around me.

Lots of questions. Good thing I've got a brand new year to figure it all out.

What's on your agenda for 2007?

"The sun just slipped its note below my door/And I can't hide beneath my sheets/I've read the words before so now I know/The time has come again for me" -- Norah Jones