Friday, January 12, 2007

Brand New Year

Miss me?

It is two weeks into the new year. How many of you broke your resolutions already?

I didn't make any, so I'm safe. I just wanted to continue doing what I'm doing -- the best I can.

But now I'm posed with a question. Is my best good enough? Can I do more? Can I give 110%?

Ultimately, am I the one to answer those question? Or are others in a better position to see my potential and my capabilities and determine if they are reaching as far as they can?

As you can see, more questions than answers. And even when I get those answers, I'll probably have questions about that. It is a flaw in my programming.

I'm finding more flaws that I care to admit to. Which is fine by me. I never considered myself a finished product anyway and want to be challenged physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically to improve myself and the world around me.

Lots of questions. Good thing I've got a brand new year to figure it all out.

What's on your agenda for 2007?

"The sun just slipped its note below my door/And I can't hide beneath my sheets/I've read the words before so now I know/The time has come again for me" -- Norah Jones

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