Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Allow Me To Introduce Myself

Yeah, yeah.

What if I've got nothing to say?

True, I don't believe it either. But there are times when coherent thought isn't the best thing for me.

For those who haven't seen me in person, I'm 5' 7 1/2" tall and weigh about 160 pounds. I have been told I have an athletic build and my doctor says that she's happy with my body shape. Good enough for me.

I'm also in my mid-40s. Haven't had a full head of hair since my mid 20s and am gaining more scars that most people should. I also spend lots of time on the computer (for work, for play and for communication) and I play video games on my PS2.

Here is my question: why do people keep telling me that I don't act my age?

If I hear one more person say, "You don't act like you're old," I think I'm going to scream... or maybe throw a tantrum.

Yes, I like to play contact sports. Yes, I like to joke and have fun. And yes, I like beating the odds.

For all of you people who have some preconceived notion of what I should and shouldn't be doing, I think it is time for you to get out of my way. You are not going to bring me down just because you can't have the fun and adventures I'm having.

But you can join me. There is plenty of room on the fun bus. Just tell me what you want to do and I'm very likely to do it at least once... ok, maybe twice.

Oh, and I'm not old. It is not the years. It is the mileage (and I've got extended warranty).

"Why you act crazy/Not an act maybe/So close a lady/Shifty eyes shady" -- Alice In Chains


Anonymous said...

very nice, very you...

Anonymous said...

Good timing on the blog.... shoulder still hurts

Anonymous said...

Good one.

Anonymous said...

yikes! It seems a little angry today.

Anonymous said...

Bud, I get the same message. I don't look old or act old. Maybe it's genetics. Hang in there. Love you much. Mom

Anonymous said...

Your only as old as you feel! If you feel young I say Go For It!

Life is to short to not have fun!

Good for you!