Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Let's Go To The Videotape!

Happy Thanksgiving!

All this recent talk of food is making me hungry. I'm headed to Mom & Dad's to carve up a large hunk of meat with all the side dishes. It is tradition!

If you are traveling, please be very careful. The car you don't hit might be mine. I heard that 87% of holiday travelers are hitting the roads. That's a lot of traffic, so show some patience and you won't be a patient.

More tradition (but not mine): Black Friday.

Once again, it is my tradition not to set foot inside a mall or department store from now until after Christmas. Last year, I was successful in doing all my holiday shopping online and this year will be no different.

There are people who actually want to battle shoppers at the mall. I think those people are related to the Mongol hoards. I prefer to rise above -- and avoid it all together.

Seriously, somebody explain it to me. I'm not kidding.

And now for something completely different....

I have been on and off television for many years. I've been involved in numerous stories concerning the Web, plus stories about everything from cooking for singles to colorblindness.

Recently, I "volunteered" to help out with a story about men's shapewear. This is the result:

Disclaimer: I am not really that fat. The shirt and pants were very small to accentuate what I do have in my gut.

And yes, it really was crushing my ribs. My best friend was there (I was trying to get him into this stuff) and he said it looked like I was wearing body armor.

The outtakes are fun. Only a select few got to see those. And no, they are not ready for public consumption.

This is called "taking one for the team".

Be careful out there. See you on the plump side of Thanksgiving.

"Sometimes I get overcharged/that's when you see sparks./They ask me where the hell I'm going?/At a 1000 feet per second" -- Radiohead


Anonymous said...

I agree - I spent Black Friday on the sofa, reading a book. Then around dinner time my partner and I drove for an hour to attend a minor league ice hockey game - lots more fun than the mall!

But my sister considers shopping on Black Friday a sport. She and her daughter scope out the deals and bargains ahead of time, map out their plan of attack, then hit the road at 3:30 a.m. Yup, that's right. This way they are in line at Sears when it opens so they can get the three things (on sale) that they are planning to buy, plus a $10 gift card (for the first few people in line). They also enjoy the free coffee/donuts many of these places pass out. If this goes quickly enough, they can hit Lowes, Staples, and somewhere else, all in time to get things like 1 G disk for $8. By 9 a.m. they are done.

I think she most enjoys the planning and the bargains. She was NOT in line for plasma TVs, or PlayStations at ToysRUs, but rather she got things she needs for her household, or things she is planning to give as Christmas gifts. Since she is on a tight salary, it's worth it to her.

I don't enjoy it the way she does, but perhaps this sheds some light on it for you!

Michele said...

i spent black friday doing what i do any other day. i watched tv with my daughter and ate and played with her as well. i did go to target in the evening with my brothers girlfriend, and the crowd was nonexistant. my sister in law went up to christiana mall cause some stores opened at 3. after working in retail for over 12 years, and working all the black fridays, i decided i didnt want to be part of the craziness. maybe when my daughter is old enough to understand christmas and gifts, ill participate.