Monday, August 07, 2006

Yummy Goodness

I'm only going to say this once and then I'm moving on.

If you want to get rid of panhandlers on the streets and corners of your neighborhood, stop giving them money. They don't hang out for their health. They hang out for your money.


I am a foodie.

There. I said it. I feel better.

I've been watching a Food Network show called "Feasting On Asphalt" featuring my favorite television chef, Alton Brown. He is going across country and checking our road diners, teahouses and off the interstate food locations.

I get hungry watching this show. There are so many places to get really good food and I want to visit them all.

There are a couple of things though that he found that I just couldn't imagine eating -- pickled pigs feet and a brain sandwich. Yeah. He didn't like them either.

But he did bring up a good point: are our taste buds and palates so trained to chain restaurants and fast food places that introducing something different is so foreign to us?

New rule: find a new restaurant once per week or try eating something you've never had before. Make a new recipe, grab something from a little shop you probably pass by every day.

We should retrain our tongues and open up our culinary horizons.


Speaking of eating and television, you have to watch this clip. It isn't the interview that is funny, but the reaction of the anchors at the end.


On a housekeeping note, apparently there were some comments left on my last article that never made it to the site. I've beefed up the security on the site and hopefully we won't have a repeat.

If you leave a comment and it doesn't show up, please let me know.


"Follow me into the desert/ As thirsty as you are"


Anonymous said...

I gotta go potty.

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying Alton Brown's new show too.

Larry said...

don't tell me you've eaten those items.

Anonymous said...

Look, ask anyone who grew up in the peace corp, living in mostly 3rd world countries if they've ever eaten things such as pigs feet and brain sandwiches. You don't want to begin discussing the gastronomic oddities I've tasted. Which is why I think Alton's new show is a hoot.

Anonymous said...

I happen to like pickled pigs feet. The video was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm! I just spent a week in Dominica eating the (mostly) local food. Curried Goat! Yumm! And Wonderful Coffee!

But there are foods I have a problem eating. If I've spent the afternoon taking pictures of them, it's hard to eat them in the evening. Turtle or Grouper, for instance...

On the other hand, anything that has bitten me is Really High on my menu. Yellow Tail Snapper! Yumm!

Larry said...

yes, but did you eat the snapper that bit you? now that would have been cosmic justice

Anonymous said...

Maybe not the very same Snapper. But his cousin, fer sure.

But let me tell you about the one who got away....

Anonymous said...

first, why isn't she blonde.. second.. good god, she had to have been thinking of that witty retort during the entire soundbite.. is she really that stupid? Tv news at it's finest..