Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bring On The Heat

It is unbelievably hot.

It is so hot that I can't believe it.

It is so unbelievably hot that I can't believe it.

All done now.


This portion of today's information is purely for the guys. If you haven't learned or experienced it by now, women are vindictive and evil -- especially when it concerns another woman.

I say this because I have been privy to witness come extreme cattiness lately. I make no judgments on whether it is warranted or not. Suffice to say, don't think that great amounts of revenge can come from very tiny packages.

It is a landmine that I want to avoid at all costs. I feel like one of the guys standing off to the side while Darth Vadar chokes the life out of someone -- this is cool to watch, but I never want that pointed in my direction.


And in an indication that 12 is my mental age and not by any stretch of the imagination my real age...

I have my 25th high school reunion next month. I work with people who are younger than that.

I found out information about the reunion on a Web site (how 21st century!) where they had pictures from a previous reunion. Suffice to say, I didn't recognize a soul in any of those pictures.

They also had a section featuring classmates who have died since graduation. This struck me since I fondly remembered most of them from my high school days and made me wonder if I was a bad friend for not keeping in touch with them over the years.

A quick survey of those around me showed I was not alone. Most people keep one or two friends from high school or college, but most of our school chums fall to the wayside as career, new family, etc., take up our time.

There are parts of high school I want never to relive again (bromine gas accident). There are people from high school that I would like to see again.

And would they recognize me today?

And everyone knows when there is a nuclear explosion, there are zombies.


Anonymous said...

cattiness? uh oh. that doesn't sound good. Now you know why I prefer to hang with the guys instead of the girls.

Anonymous said...

Heat is much like a woman. The hotter they are, the more clothing you want to remove.