Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Blogging The Blog


Stretching the mind can be a wonderful thing. Too bad I didn't do that.

Enriching one's life can be exciting. Too bad I didn't do that either.

Recharging the mental and physical batteries can be invigorating. Nope, not that either.

Do you ever get the feeling that you are just going through the motions? The world can go by so fast you don't get to enjoy the things that you want. It is just hard enough to keep up so you don't get run over. *Beep beep*

On the radar this week: there was a rather lengthy discussion about blogs and their place in news and television. It was interesting to hear from some of the "older" managers about how they just don't get blogs.

Not to disparage my senior counterparts, but they really aren't something that have points per se. They are the opinions, musing, and observations of the blog writer.

Some are funny, some are serious, and some are just out and out online diaries.

It is hard to figure out what makes a good blog. For example, NBC's Brian Williams was blogging while he was covering the Katrina disaster in New Orleans. It was interesting to read about what he saw, what he heard and what he went through while he was there.

Good stuff.

But now, the day-to-day stuff of a national news anchor isn't as interesting. And unless you are in the business, I don't know why people would want to read about the story selection process -- unless you are interested in a possible story.

As I write this out, I realize that even I don't know why people read Touch 'Em All. Do I amuse you? Do I educate you? Or are you just here for the free popcorn?

More often than not, blogs are just another way for people to express themselves. Readers of blogs will often find that they read those they associate with in some fashion.

But I've never been very good at fashion (being colorblind), so I'll just keep writing as often as I can -- and you can read (and comment!) as often as you like.

Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


Anonymous said...

Ah yes... blogging the blog. Nice reference to the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Ah - "Princess Bride" - one of my favorite movies!

I've been reading TEA since you began it. Thought of it as just a way for you to share what's on your mind. And I found that interesting enough to subscribe to TEA when you got kicked off.. well, let's not go there.

You sometimes get into a mindset where you don't think anyone's interested in your musings. Not true. I'm fairly certain you have a large following, so I'm not the only one who finds your writings to be of interest.

I'm of an age where "blogging" had to be explained to me by my oldest and only daughter. She tried not to be condescening. And after about a half-hour of trying, she finally felt a modicum of success when I asked "Like an on-line diary?". We ended the discussion there, while we were still friends. She went back to her house thinking I was a dinosaur. I just accept that as my role in her life right now.

I don't care what you call it - blog, diary, rant place - I enjoy reading what you write.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the definition of "blog". I confess I had no idea what it was or why everyone seems to have one. I read TEA because I find it interesting and often thought provoking {even when I don't agree with you}. Isn't it nice when a disagreement is an exchange of ideas rather than a major battle?