Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Confluence Of Emotions, Part 2

And we're back!

I started to rant on Monday and stopped. I'm torn because I want to talk about people who write letters to television stations about programming.

On one hand, I think that the right of voicing your opinion is one of the fundamental rights of our country -- freedom of speech and expression. Strong, thoughtful words are often the catalysts of profound and meaningful action.

On the other hand, signing your name to a letter or e-mail that someone else wrote just means you were concerned about the topic because it was in front of you -- but not enough to write your own words. Weak.

And people who write about television programs need to realize they already control what appears on their television. It is called a remote control.

If you don't like a show, I guarantee you that stations will pull shows with bad ratings faster than lightning. If you don't like the choices, turn it off.

I'm not sure where in our society it became okay to sit back, fire off an e-mail, and think you've done your part. Or worse, just sit back and gripe.

More of us need to take personal responsibility for the world around us. Knowing how things work makes it much easier to make a change.

And now, I'm going to make a PR&J -- just for a change.

(Oh, and my injury was 2 torn ligaments in my hand from a skiing accident. And I'm not too old to be doing this stuff -- so get over it.)


Anonymous said...

Yes, you are too old . . . Checkers, anyone?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the surgery went well and recovery has begun. Well wishes
coming your way.

Anonymous said...

Hear, Hear--I totally agree with you. People need to start taking responsibility for their own actions and words for that matter. It seems that in today's society no one wants to accept the blame for their actions or their words. Glad to see that you are back in form and you are never to old to enjoy yourself as you see fit.
