Monday, November 14, 2005

Just Call Me Reverse Radio Shack

Time to play Q&A. Just some random musings I've had this past week.

  1. Which would you rather do: eat anything you want and never gain a pound, but you have to sleep at least 12 hours a day OR sleep only 4 hours a day and feel fully refreshed, but immediately gain 25 pounds.

  2. Would you classify politics as reactionary or visionary? And do you like it that way?

  3. Is it still art even if you don't like it?

  4. If groups want to ban video games for creating violence, why don't they want to ban automobiles for creating accidents?

  5. Am I immature or childlike?

  6. Which is more important: getting Christmas shopping done or exercising?

  7. Is it that thought that REALLY counts?

  8. What if the hokey pokey is REALLY what it is all about?

  9. Can animals be evil?

  10. Is it possible to watch the news and not think they aren't slanting it?

Ah, the musings of a madman. Now it is your turn.

Click on the comments link below and give me your answers -- or ask questions of your own. But I'm really interested to see what you think.

"I find your lack of faith -- disturbing" -- Darth Vader

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. Eat ice cream all the time and never sleep. OK, OK, I pick the former (more sleep).

2. Politics = visionary (can't predict future), but you "react" to thing along the way. But, in this case, the egg came first.

3. Yes.

4. Because they're still trying to get old people and slow Howard County drivers off the road.

5. Childlike, you're very mature. The former's a character trait, the latter's a detriment to society. Hmmm, wait. ...

6. Exercising. That one was easy.

7. Have you met my mother? No.

8. Then it needs to be a collegiate general education requirement.

9. Sure. Have you met Felix?

10. No.