Monday, September 19, 2005

Cover Story Tells All

Despite more than 30 years of getting to know the female persuasion, the different aspects that develop constantly amaze me.

Take magazines. I subscribe to three different mags -- one for my health and fitness, one for the latest trends and one for toys.

On the cover of my health publication, it talks about articles that will grow muscle fast, the best abs exercise, 139 quick health fixes and how to look better than ever. There is one mention of how to find her hottest spots.

My trendy magazine talks about the clothing I should be wearing, protecting my identity, how to get ahead at work and ten blue-ribbon bourbons from the Bluegrass State.

My toys magazine -- well, we'll just skip by that one.

All of these covers speak to articles that impact me directly. Whether it is how I can look my best, how I can get ahead at work, or what toys will work best for me -- it is all about me.

When I was at the doctor's office recently, I took a look at some of the magazine covers that were there. Granted, they were several months old, but what I saw was pretty amazing.

Cosmopolitan -- which I gather is the gold standard for women's magazines -- had several articles on how a woman can keep her man happy. Articles like 101 sex tips, the ego stroke that keeps guys faithful, 8 sex truths you don't know about yourself, and the male brain explained all pointed towards a strange and weirdly twisted conclusion -- it really is all about the guy.

I've always thought that women held all the power when it came to relationships. Men (and I'm including myself in this) are generally easily manipulated by a pouty lip, the scent of a wonderful perfume or the intense focus when you finally catch that woman's eye.

There really isn't much science to it all. And honestly, we are pretty easy.

However, as certain female friends of mine are quick to point out, good guys are much more difficult to find -- and women will do just about anything to hang on to them. Perhaps this is the impetus for the articles in women's magazines -- keeping what you have and like.

Speaking as one of the good guys, we are trying to do the same thing. Good relationships -- whether with a significant other, a good friend or someone you just met - takes effort on both sides. The magazine covers out there make it seem really one-sided.

Maybe gals feel like they have to work on it more than guys. But we guys work on it -- we just never read the directions.

I'm really interested in hearing the female point of view about this one. Do you really read those magazines to find out how to make life better for guys? What is really going on? Or is this all some twisted plot to make guys think you worry about what we want -- while all the time secretly maneuver us into thinking that what we want is what you are already giving us? Arrrrgh!!! "I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means no."

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Anonymous said...

very nice. and yes, we just want you to think we're worried; we really have it all under control. :) bad guys are a so easy to find...look around anywhere you go. The good guys are harder to find, unless you have a super secret spider ring! I found the last good one and I'm not letting go!

Anonymous said...

I used to read Cosmo and the like when I was younger and then it hit me that every issue is the same article just revamped a bit. Gets a bit boring to read about orgasms when we should just be having them! Then I switched over to Maxim but now the writing sucks. So what's a girl to do? Talk to your girlfriends, that's how you learn all the stuff Cosmo sells. And...Good guys are not totally hard to come by, just hard to appreciate. Bad guys are easy to come by and entertaining always. I know a lot of guys put a ton of time into how they look but I don't find it necessary because so many girls are more worried what they look like than their guy. Oh and even women who appear foolish because of their poor partner choices, I think we all know what we are doing. Just like guys who like to try out the non-wife types, we like to have our fun too. Then we get burned a few times and eventually notice the nice guy...Of course I'm oversimplifying but so what!

Anonymous said...

I have been wondering for a long time now why all the women's magazines gear the majority of the articles {or at least those highlighted on the covers} towards how to keep, satisfy and please that man. Frankly, I'd like to read more about how to invest my money so I'll have something to live on when I retire, what to do about my hair other than a ponytail when the humidity and heat is high, how to manage multiple projects/tasks without burning out, etc. I guess that's why I read some men's magazines.