Monday, August 29, 2005

Robot Wars

Update: 8/30 at 8:09 a.m.

The surgery went well, according to the doctor. He cleaned some stuff (technical term) out of my knee and said the tendons along the side of the knee were stretched to the point of tearing, but didn't come loose. All the ligaments (ACL, MCL) looked good.

I was totally wacked out all day Monday. I don't think I've slept that much in a long time. I'll be wrapped and on crutches for a while -- likely start physical therapy sometime next week. There is no timetable yet on when I'll be able to be active again, but I will be working hard towards 100%.

I appreciate all the well-wishes and e-cards I've received. I am truly touch by your outpouring of kind thoughts. I promise to respond to all of you who have written directly to me, but please be patient. The medication tends to make me sluggish -- so awake time is limited to short bursts of consciousness. :)

Next week, no more talk about me. We'll move on to more interesting things.


I'm heading for surgery in a few hours, so this will be very short now and hopefully I will be conscious enough later to add some more stuff in.

It is amazing how the fear of someone cutting into your body can make you feel oh-so-much better. While I still ache, I would rather just hurt than have surgery.

But then, I try to move and the knives stab into my knee and we're back to square one. Ugh.

I'll be back later -- unless I am under the spell of chemicals for the rest of the day.

Bad Comments

You may have noticed (if you read the comments) that someone submitted spam as a comment. I was able to delete it fairly quickly, but it still got posted on the site for a while.

Automated systems, or bots, scan blog sites like this one and post "comments", which are nothing more than trashing my site and my Internet (possessive, aren't I?) Blogger now has a way to block bots from posting spam, but it requires a little work from you if you want to post a comment.

People leaving comments on the blog will be required to complete a word verification step -- in other words, enter a computer generated word to get their comments posted. Fighting fire with fire.

I like reading the comments. I think you guys are a great bunch and are very thoughtful about what you read here and what you write at the bottom. I want to encourage discussion and a free exchange of ideas. I don't want to make it harder or inconvenient to post comments.

However, if the spam becomes more of an issue, I may have to seriously think about it. Would that stop you from posting a comment if you had to take one extra step?

Imagination is a curious thing. It killed the cat and it is 98% of invention. Albert Einstein once wrote, "Imagination is more important than knowledge -- knowledge is limited, but imagination encircles the world." Have you used your imagination today? It needs exercise, too! "Down with tyranny! up with ... non-tyranny!"

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox


Anonymous said...

I won't let a "password" prevent me from leaving a comment. It's pretty pathetic that nothing can be/is being done about them. Good luck with the surgery. Everything will be fine :)

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with the sugery!

Anonymous said...

I'd still post a comment even if it meant take two or three more steps.

Anonymous said...

No Comment.

Kyleen said...

I'm glad the surgery went well. Hope you get back to your usual self soon. Take care