Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Separation Anxiety or Choose Your Pleasure

Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday weekend. And for those of you who aren't Americans, sorry you had to work on Monday.

The 4th of July weekend means so many things to so many people -- fireworks, hot dogs, independence, freedom. It also means the release of this year's "summer blockbuster" movie.

And if you didn't know, this year's movie is "War of the Worlds" -- Steven Spielberg's remake of the classic. The basic concept is Mars invades Earth with the purpose of wiping us all out.

The story is supposed to be pretty close to the original screenplay with updated effects and background. However, the biggest talk to this movie has been the star of the flick, Tom Cruise.

I'm not going to recount every bit of Cruise's ... publicity. And I use that term lightly.

His actions leading up to the release of the movie had some people questioning his intentions and sanity. I guess we'll see how long he and Katie stay together after the movie to find out whether this is true love or not.

The big thing has been the reaction of the public. While most accept it for what they think it is, some have voiced their displeasure with his (antics, politics, religion -- choose 1).

I asked a friend if an actor's stance on any particular topic makes you more or less willing to attend their performance. There was a quick and unequivocal "yes" and a lengthy explanation about supporting such an actor's stance if you pay to see them.

That's a bit shortsighted.

There have been many performers that I never wanted to see perform, but I shelled out the dough to hear their recordings. When I go to watch a movie, I don't analyze the actors voting records. I want to figure out if there is a good story to be watched.

Am I being naive? Or ignorant? Nah. I just think I'm willing to separate a person's actions from their (antics, politics, religion -- choose 1) without judging either. That isn't to say that people who choose to base their entertainment on an actor's (antics, politics, religion -- choose 1) that they are making a mistake.

They are just exercising their right to choose. We should all exercise as much as possible.

Yes, I do plan to see War of the Worlds, but the one I'm really looking forward to is Fantastic Four. I'm a comics geek from way back. I even have some comics from the 70s and 80s. And no, you can't have them. I'm saving them for my children to show them the true Golden Age of superheros. Flash was my favorite and still is. "At least the bunnies are on fire."

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Anonymous said...

I am SO not a Tom Cruise fan, but I am a sci-fi fan. But I didn't let the fact that Tom Cruise was in the movie stop me from going. But I should have. I was hugely disappointed with the flick and might have even asked for my money back if I could have. I thought the special effects were cool, but that was about it.

Anonymous said...

I will see War of the Worlds and Fantastic Four. Hope you enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

Okay let me rant. Is sciencetology a religion????? No one in the group every talks about a god. I believe (and this is only what I think) it a scam. What further pisses me off is that some actor with enough clout is taking on the world. He gets a tent on his movie set to promote his religion. Come on now what is up with that??? If anyone listens to him (which I know they will), then they deserve each other. Much like Katie deserves Tom. Switching religions and PR firms to be like Tom. Right now I will say she is making a big mistake. Plus she lost my respect. No backbone. enough said.

Anonymous said...

I think Tom Cruise is an idiot and way over the edge. I think his relationship with Katie is a joke and his religious rants about as worthless as the Christian Right. I think he needs to shut his mouth and do his damn job. Which is to entertain me for $7.50.
Would I not see his movie because of his beliefs? No, I'll see his movie because I like Spielberg.
I can't stand the Angelina Brad saga either nor do I personally like the actors, but I saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith.. I'll give it a C+ The guns were cool.

Anonymous said...

i try not to judge celebrities by their actions or sometimes the things they say, they're only human, and sometimes unfortunately entitled to their opinions and feelings....so in saying that i would still go see their movies, which i base on their acting ability and not their politics....