Monday, July 18, 2005

Oh, To Be A Kid

If I were a kid (physically, not mentally), this would have been a great weekend.

When I was a kid, I used to read quite a bit. I remember a time I actually missed getting off the bus because I was so engrossed in a book.

The new Harry Potter book came out this weekend. I made the "mistake" of stopping in a local Barnes and Noble for another reason and was overrun by ... fans.

I've never read the books -- any of them -- and I'm not passing judgment on the books or the fans. But I did read the Tolkien trilogy and so I understand their passion.

I wouldn't know a Muggle from a warhog. What I do know about the Potter world I know from bits of conversation and movie clips on television.

However, even without any knowledge of the books, I wonder what the heck some ministers were thinking when they claimed the writings promoted Satanism and witchcraft. This sounds like somebody trying to jump on the publicity bandwagon.

Anything that can get kids to read in these times should be applauded -- not skewered. And any group that uses a book to further their own agenda needs to take a "chill pill."

Books, much like television, video games, friends, etc., should fall under the jurisdiction of the parents. Given how many adults are fans of Potter, I think the grown-ups know what it is all about.

Get out of the spotlight (and out of the way) and let the kids have some fun and imagination. And me, too.

Also, those people who said they wouldn't go see 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' because they love 'Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' -- get over it. The movie is great. Johnny Depp makes a good Wonka. Gene Wilder made a good Wonka. There can be two. And the scenes are out loud laughable. You will be missing a good family movie and a good time. It is a great movie for kids, too. What a weekend. "There is no Dana -- only Zool."

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Anonymous said...

Oh, how I totally agree with you on everything. As long as you teach your children the difference between reality and fiction let them enjoy Harry Potter. As for the Movie, Johnny Depp brings a new and delightful aspect to the movie and it is nice to see how the book was actually written. Both my boys and I laughed during and are still laughing at the movie. The best part is the Oompah Loompah's, especially since they were all played by the same person.

Larry said...

The Oompah Loompahs played by the same guy was VERY cool. I think if I hadn't been told before hand, I would have jumped up out of my seat and pointed when I realized it. It was one of those new twists to the movie that made it fun. And the songs rocked!!