Monday, May 02, 2005

Stick Out Your Thumb

Never let someone else tell you what you should like.

For the past couple of weeks, I have been reading all these reviews of the new movie, "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy". Nearly every critic was luke warm to downright frigid in their take on the film.

For the record, I own 1st printings of the Hitchhiker's trilogy. I also have recordings from the BBC radio program and a long time ago, I had a video game based on the books.

To say I'm a fan would be reasonable. So if anyone were going to blast the movie, you would think I would be first in line.

I'm here to tell the critics to bugger off.

Most of their problem was that the movie didn't follow along directly with the books. Some of the reviews also said the jokes were too subtle.

Bollocks, I say.

Sure, the movie wasn't a direct adaptation of the books, but the story was there and the additions and subtractions didn't detract from a very good movie. The screenplay was started by Douglas Adams, author of the trilogy, and admirably continued after his death.

The dialog was funny and the bits were hilarious. One of the funniest involved a sperm whale and its brief moments of existence -- much more comedic in movie form than in the books. Watch the movie and you'll see what I mean.

Every one is entitled to their own opinion. Mine is usually right here -- or you can just ask me and I'll give it to you. Remember, though, if you ask me a question, be sure you really want an answer.

The broader point here is don't let others tell you what to watch, what to do or what to say. Choose your own way and be responsible for the choices you make.

There are many instances in life when the path forks. Pick the path that is best for you and your future -- whether it be taking a new job or watching a new movie.

And above all, don't panic.

Doing The Heavy Lifting

Since you asked, I did have a stress test this past week.

And according to the cardiologist, I have "the heart of someone in their 20s" and no cardio problems whatsoever. Hurray for me!

Of course, this still doesn't answer the question of why I'm having chest pains, but at least I know it doesn't have anything to do with my heart. But I do know one answer -- 42 -- and I also know the question!

Speaking of movies, there are so many out this summer that if you can't reach me, I'm probably in a theater somewhere. The new Star Wars, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Four -- it is a veritable plethora of cinematic fun. Don't let me tell you what to watch. Your tastes may be different than mine and probably don't have the expressed, written consent of Major League Baseball. "Mostly harmless."

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Anonymous said...

Try this one:


Take that, divide it by WCMH.

Then, multiply that by WRIC, and add WMAR to that.


Larry said...

ok. you have way much more free time on your hands than I do! and not even close with the question.