Monday, April 25, 2005

Worthy/Unworthy Additions

My long and painful nightmare is now over. I am a homeowner.

The paperwork is complete, the signature has been signed (over and over and over and ...), and now the moving begins. To all of you who wrote in with your own horror stories about bidding for a new home, you will always have my sympathies. I now know there are kindred spirits out there.

And Now For Something Completely Different

Longtime readers know about my loathing for "reality" programs. They aren't real and they certainly aren't interesting to me. I know they are immensely popular, but I just can't watch them -- and yes, I've tried.

However, even fans of "reality" shows were bemoaning the news reports about Britney Spears' pregnancy. Talk about irrelevancy!

Mrs. Federline has been out of circulation since releasing a new album in 2003. A greatest hits compilation came out in 2004, but honestly, how much work does that take?

And it isn't that I'm against her becoming a mother, but does it really require a press release, a media tour and magazine covers all over the shelves?

There are plenty of women who become mothers without the fanfare and bells and whistles. There are some who even lose their children with no mention on the news. I know not everything makes news -- it is allegedly what the public wants to see.

It is just very disappointing if an entertainer's pregnancy is considered worthy of the designation "news." One line is fine -- not half-hour programs.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find stories about Lindsey Lohan's blonde hair.

Find The Kitty

Now this is news!

A litter of four cheetahs was born at the National Zoo on April 14. This is the second litter of cheetahs ever born at the National Zoo.

I'm a cat person, so I have an affinity toward the feline persuasion. But these little fuzz balls are adorable.

Cheetahs are fast becoming an endangered species in their homeland. Conservation and breeding programs around the world are hoping to stem the loss.

This pregnancy got less play than Spears, but it is so much more important.

And much cuter too. I just keep saying, "Awwww!" when looking at the pictures.

I'm a sucker for kitty-cats. I've even "wrestled" a tiger cub before.


Nothing against canines! I like puppies too, but I have been and always will be a cat person. And I've transformed my wife (an avowed cat-hater) to love my two fur balls. I think she wouldn't mind if we adopted one or two of the cheetah cubs. However, I made sure to neuter my "kids" and everyone should as well. There are plenty of unwanted cats and dogs that need homes. "Thundercats -- ho!"

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Anonymous said...


Let me know when you move, I now own a truck and can help you even more.

Also, for tips to take care of your garden, pipes and other new homeowner materials, log on to, click on "House and Home."

Anonymous said...

Let me extend to you my warmest Congrast! :) Get ready to be so busy with house and yard stuff!

This week is turn off the t.v. week. There was a study done that said the average American househould has the t.v. on at least 8 hours a day! I am guilty of this too - even though most of the time it is just for background noise. With all those "reality" t.v. shows on, it is easier to turn off the set!

As far as Britney goes - society in genereal is facinated by any of the celeberties. Except for maybe Michael Jackson - ENOUGH already! They may be rich, but watching them makes us feel more normal. The celebs are just as screwed up as our own neighbors, friends and family! We just keep watching to see what they are wearing or how they are spending their absurd paychecks!

Okay - that is it for me! LOL! Enjoy home ownership! :)