Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Value Of A Hug

How much is a hug worth?

A hug can be worth volumes depending on the circumstances. During times of stress, a hug can show support and reassurance. It can transmit empathy and understanding.

A hug can also be a sign of affection -- a non-threatening way to begin to explore the limits of a relationship. Hugs can be the beginnings of something more.

Now, there is a twist.

How much would you pay for a hug?

There is a new -- I don't know what to call this other than what it is -- a cuddle party. Yes, hugging for money.

I found out about it because the station where I work is considering doing a story on cuddle parties. A quick Google search found the Cuddle Party site.

The site claims the parties are "a structured, safe workshop on boundaries, communication, intimacy and affection. A drug and alcohol-free way to meet fascinating people in a relaxing environment. A laboratory where you can experiment with what makes you feel safe and feel good."

Isn't this illegal in some states?

I'm sure there is some social experiment going on here. Can someone go to a place, pay money, and have physical (and intimate) contact with a person, then walk away at the end of the night?

Do we need more contact with others? Sure. Do I want to pay money for it? Only if there is a hockey puck involved.

This might be nice if it was with a group I already knew. Then again, if I already knew you, I'm not paying money to hug you.

I think they whole "paying money" thing is what is creeping me out. Are we really that desperate for physical contact? Or intimacy?

Or is this just the new way for singles to meet?



Anonymous said...

two words on the cuddle party...e-wwwwwwww

even the name is creepy, like they're trying to attract pedophiles or something.

Anonymous said...

I haven't paid for sex (well okay I am married so you could argue that one) and I won't pay for a hug.

Anonymous said...

Ok... that's just a little creapy! ... definitely think a hug is worth a lot though ... especially where nothing else will quite do!