Tuesday, October 24, 2006

In Your Food

Whatever you do, don't post copyrighted material to YouTube. Big Brother is watching.


Do you read the labels when you go grocery shopping? I mean, really read the labels?

I'm not talking about calorie content or fat grams. There is something sinister with our food.

I get eggs. We all do. And they all come from chickens.

But did you know there are special eggs that come from vegetarian chickens? Who knew chickens weren't vegetarians already?

I'm not naive enough to know that farm animals aren't only fed grains. That's how mad cow gets spread around -- feeding bad cow to good cows.

But since when is it marketable to promote vegetarian chickens? And if you want to really get weirded out, think about chickens with teeth. That's just scary.

And a new food label has appeared on the horizon -- animal compassionate.

According to the Whole Foods Market Web site, any food marked as animal compassionate assures that the meat and poultry was:
  • Raised without added hormones or anibiotics.

  • Never fed aminal by-products.

  • Raised by farmers and ranchers who care about the animals and the environment in which they live.

  • The standard also allows for the use of electric cattle prods, but only in emergency situations. Like when the cows realize they are about to become T-bones.

    I give up. What's the number for the pizza parlor?

    "I'll eat dinner after your dooming!" -- Applegeeks

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Already knew that - thanks to Julie