Monday, September 18, 2006

Reversing Mirror

Fifth anniversary of 9/11 is over. Primary elections are over. I hired a news editor. And I'm going on tour.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled article.


"Is this some sort of funhouse, Wonka?" "Why? Are you having fun?"

Recently, I attended my 25th high school reunion. Don't even try to do the math.

I really expected to recognize a couple of people, but not many. It turns out I recognized most of the women and nearly none of the men.

I'm not sure if the women didn't age that much or I just paid more attention to them in high school. The guys grew beards, expanded waistlines and sagged in all the wrong places.

This was a very unusual event for me. Normally, I can find a comfort zone in a group setting and expand from there.

I wasn't comfortable from the very beginning and I have no idea why. Kim and Joe both felt it and tried to help, but it wasn't good for me.

Was it mortality staring me in the face? Was it so many unfamiliar faces surrounding me?

Either way, it was unusual. I know I hadn't seen some of those people since high school. Maybe this was a sign for me to reach back and get in touch with them again.

Or maybe it was an indication that I've outgrown what I was, and become more than what I imagined I would be?

Or maybe it was just the fried chicken?


Anonymous said...

Boy, I didn't know I was older than you.....

What's up with the tour?

Also, women seem to take better care of themselves then men do for some reason. It's acceptable for men to be heavy but not women.

Anonymous said...

Gee....Thanks for the reminder that my 25th is next year. Gives me something to look forward to...NOT!

I don't know why but I don't even care if I go to my reunion or not-haven't even kept in touch with anyone from High School only college now why is that?

Couldn't wait to get out of the small town life and don't want to go back.

Michele said...

i have my 15 yr coming up in 2009. i recognized the women easier at my 10 year than the men. thank god for name tags. by the end of thenight and a few drinks later, it felt like we never left high school. the 5 year is kind of a joke. i mean, a lot of us were still hanging out together, and a few of us were on what felt like the 5 year college plan at harford community. im curious to see how we fare at our 15.

Michele said...

i have my 15 yr coming up in 2009. i recognized the women easier at my 10 year than the men. thank god for name tags. by the end of thenight and a few drinks later, it felt like we never left high school. the 5 year is kind of a joke. i mean, a lot of us were still hanging out together, and a few of us were on what felt like the 5 year college plan at harford community. im curious to see how we fare at our 15.