Monday, September 04, 2006

Don't Hide What You Can't Handle

"Heaven's gates won't open up for me/With these broken wings I'm fallin'/And all I see is you."

More after the holiday. Be safe.


The Parents Television Council has filed an indecency complaint with the FCC because Helen Mirren said she was glad she didn’t fall “ass over tit” on her way up to accept her Emmy. And the PTC wants every NBC affil that showed it to be fined.

L. Brent Bozell of the PTC writes, “It is utterly irresponsible and atrocious for NBC to air this vulgar language during the safe harbor time when millions of children were in the viewing audience. People are getting sick and tired of networks allowing unedited profanity on their award shows in front of millions of youngsters, and with NBC this practice is becoming habitual.”

(the above paragraphs from Lost Remote)

Well, guess what? I'm sick and tired of people trying to tell me what is or is not vulgar. Instead of limiting input, why don't groups like this disband and talk to their own children about the use of language?

It seems that every day a new group or cause pops up wanting to limit something within our society because they don't like what is being espoused. Why not? Don't they know better than we do?

Of course not. Why should they have the say on how children are educated?

If my child (not that I have one, but just in case) does something unacceptable, shouldn't I be the one who teaches them right and wrong? But if the unacceptable material isn't present, am I not deprived of a teaching experience with my children?

I am also amused by the statement that millions of youngsters watched the Emmys. Really? If that is indeed the case, shouldn't we start airing the Emmys as childrens' programming on Saturday mornings?

The "holier-than-thou" attitude has to stop. We moan and berate the state of parenting these days, but yet, there are people who want to take parents out of the equation.

If/when I become a dad, I want all my options open. My parents did that for me, so it is the least I can do for my future children.

"Tinkle, tinkle in the car/You should really use a jar." -- Cheese


Anonymous said...

Good for you! If we wanted someone else to raise our kids we would hire someone. Oh wait, most people think the schools should be doing it anyway. As much as parents aren't involved with their children anymore.

It's a good point that trickles to the food police as well.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you! Why would any kids be watching a show that most kids (if they have a proper bed time) wouldn't be watching half the shows that received awards anyways? People these days need to take responsibility for their own actions and not blame society for their bad habits.