Thursday, September 28, 2006

Black Hole Sun

"Beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight." -- Yoda

I'm in a quandary. How many of you hold grudges? (1, 2, 3, ... ok, 10).

I don't normally hold grudges. They really don't do me any good. Most of the time, I forget what I was mad about anyway.

I'm in a mood to hang on to a couple of grudges that are simmering. Without going into great detail, I got disrespected, abandoned, and jerked around by a couple of people.

In the past, I would have reacted, and then gotten over it. But this time... this time is different.

It isn't that I want revenge. I wouldn't know what to do with a pound of extracted flesh anyway.

But I do want justice. There must be repercussions.

Is there a good time to hold on to a grudge? Or are grudges just a way to spin the wheels without actually doing any good whatsoever.

The good think is that I'm not obsessed about the people who torqued me. It is a switch in my head that flips on and off as I deal with the business of living.

But the dark side beckons... and I'm not ready to turn away.

"You are beaten. It is useless to resist." -- Darth Vader


The next time someone says something bad about Cleveland, I'll have to correct them. It is all how you see the city.

I got to visit my "sister" and her boy toy in the city by the lake. If you really want to have fun, relax at the end of the day and tell everyone you visited a brewery, crypt and cemetery that day.

But not just any crypt. The crypt of a president.

I can have the best vacations! The idea is not to visit the tourist attractions and be willing to mix and match as you go.

Oh, and have great tour guides. Thanks, Mon and Deke!


Anonymous said...

Come on . . . Turn the cheek . . . Patience, my young Jedi . . . What comes around goes around . . .

Anonymous said...

You can't make other people do what you want them to do. You can only control what you do. Be strong.

Anonymous said...

I like Stos' comment.

I think revenge is fun, and well deserved in both of these cases. It's even better if you aren't the one exacting it. A hired gun would be perfect.

Anonymous said...

Why waste perfectly good energy on someone else's karma? They are the one's that are going to have to pay to the natural order of the cosmos.

My story is pretty twisted - extreme even. A guy my sister was dating, beat me and raped me when I was 12. He didn't spend a day in jail. One day after my 30th birthday, my mother called to inform me that he had been killed during a fishing trip by a shark.

So don't waste your time. It's their own karma that they have to pay for.

Anonymous said...

I could have written this column! I never stay mad at people and now there are two people who have hurt me so badly -- one by lying and one by betrayal.. that I actually had to tell one of them to back off and leave me alone. I've NEVER been that mean. I know time heals things.. but I wish time would go faster!! Staff said...

I never really thought of you as a grudgeholder. I always saw you as, somehow, above that. Actually, I always wondered how you were able to deflect criticism and pressures and keep on as chipper as you most times are. I really wanted to emulate you and your ability to have a thick skin, realize that something wasn't worth getting aggravated about, and move on. Then, I realized it was a facade. :)

I say threaten them with that "God kills a kitten when ..." wallpaper that you have.

Anonymous said...

Grudges are useless, just like the people you want to hold them against. Learn from the experience, remember the pain, then put it all away and move on.
The pres and dead first lady say hello and were glad you visited. So were we. We're now addicted to Nosferatu. My diet thanks you.
Your sis and her boy toy

Anonymous said...

Just wait, Karma happens to everyone. My college boyfriend dumped me for another girl years ago. Then immediately married her. Just last year, I got an email from him telling me that their marriage had been miserable from the start and they were now getting divorced.

It may take years, but what goes around does eventually come around.