Monday, August 28, 2006

Signs & Lists

It isn't the Apocalypse, but musically speaking, it could be a sign of End Time.

Elton John announced that he wants to make a hip-hop album with producer Dr. Dre. Oh, my stars and garters.

In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, John said, "I want to bring my songs and melodies to hip-hop beats. I love these beats, but I have no idea how to get them."

"I want to work with Pharrell, Timbaland, Snoop, Kanye, Eminem and just see what happens," John said in the Sept. 7 issue. "It may be a disaster, it could be fantastic, but you don't know until you try."


I'm all for trying new things -- I do it all the time. And I'm all for the disaster/fantastic angle. But I also remember when Sir Elton did a duet with Eminem in 2001.

Ick. And yes, I like Eminem.

Don't get me wrong. I am a fan of the Elton, both old and new. "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" is still one of my favorite albums.

I'm just hearing more disaster than I am fantastic.


A fellow blogger (thanks, Rex) directed me to a site that was started by six friends who were having a discussion about the end of our civilization. They decided to post their reason and ask others to contribute as they see fit.

"We felt this way not because of the inevitable dimming of our sun, or an errant asteroid, but rather because of the idiocy of our times," they wrote. "Frankly, we are tired of the fake optimism, superficiality, non-talented celebrities, doped-up athletes, dishonest and illiterate politicians, corporate thieves, wife-beaters and evangelical terrorists rampant in the world today and we decided that one way of making ourselves feel better would be to list them for all the world to see and to add upon."

An interesting premise and one obviously designed to generate more discussion. However, can I get a show of hands for those who disagree with the number 1 reason that our civilization is doomed -- Paris Hilton!

Hmmm. No one is raising their hand.

The rest of the list is a mix of political, cultural and weird indications why our civilization is doomed. I'm particularly fond of number 35 -- glow in the dark Taiwanese pigs and the fact that I don't glow in the dark -- and reason number 1,619 -- a horrible proposal to remake the Thundercats.

This is fun! Of course, several people put "Lists" and "The Blogosphere" as the real reason our civilization is doomed. Glad I could contribute.

"I've got a full bladder, half an idea of where I'm going; it's Tuesday, and I am wearing sunglasses." -- Bloo

Friday, August 18, 2006

What Would You Do?

Sorry about the delay in a new post. Work has been a killer. Know anyone what wants a job?

The drawback? You have to work for me. (Insert maniacal laughter)


Imagine that you are watching a championship baseball game between 9-year-old players -- let's say the Yankees vs. the Orioles.

It is the bottom of the last inning. The Yankees are winning by one run, but the Orioles have a runner on third and two outs.

The best hitter on the Orioles is coming to the plate. He has already hit a home run and a triple in his last two at bats.

The player on deck is not a very good hitter.

If you are the manager of the Yankees, what do you do?

Now, let me tell you this is a championship in a non-competitive league.

What do you do?

Now, let me tell you the player on deck is a brain cancer survivor with a shunt still in his skull.

What do you do?


The above scenario is true (except for the names of the teams).

Let me tell you what actually happened. The Yankees manager instructed his pitcher to intentionally walk the good hitter and pitch to the poor hitter.

The poor hitter struck out, lost the game, and (as any 9-year-old might do) cried after the game.

The game divided the town -- some vilifying the Yankees manager for pitching to a brain cancer survivor to win a game while others said the survivor shouldn't have been treated any differently than any other player so as not to attract attention to his condition.

What would you do if you were the manager?


The story does have a happy ending.

The boy's father said he consoled his son and told him that Michael Jordan didn't make all his shots and not every athlete succeeds every time.

The son thought about it and told his dad that he wanted to practice so that next year, he would be the one they walk to get to another hitter.

The next morning, the boy was out in his yard -- practicing.

**End of Story**

"I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind/There was something so pleasant about that place"

Monday, August 07, 2006

Yummy Goodness

I'm only going to say this once and then I'm moving on.

If you want to get rid of panhandlers on the streets and corners of your neighborhood, stop giving them money. They don't hang out for their health. They hang out for your money.


I am a foodie.

There. I said it. I feel better.

I've been watching a Food Network show called "Feasting On Asphalt" featuring my favorite television chef, Alton Brown. He is going across country and checking our road diners, teahouses and off the interstate food locations.

I get hungry watching this show. There are so many places to get really good food and I want to visit them all.

There are a couple of things though that he found that I just couldn't imagine eating -- pickled pigs feet and a brain sandwich. Yeah. He didn't like them either.

But he did bring up a good point: are our taste buds and palates so trained to chain restaurants and fast food places that introducing something different is so foreign to us?

New rule: find a new restaurant once per week or try eating something you've never had before. Make a new recipe, grab something from a little shop you probably pass by every day.

We should retrain our tongues and open up our culinary horizons.


Speaking of eating and television, you have to watch this clip. It isn't the interview that is funny, but the reaction of the anchors at the end.


On a housekeeping note, apparently there were some comments left on my last article that never made it to the site. I've beefed up the security on the site and hopefully we won't have a repeat.

If you leave a comment and it doesn't show up, please let me know.


"Follow me into the desert/ As thirsty as you are"

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bring On The Heat

It is unbelievably hot.

It is so hot that I can't believe it.

It is so unbelievably hot that I can't believe it.

All done now.


This portion of today's information is purely for the guys. If you haven't learned or experienced it by now, women are vindictive and evil -- especially when it concerns another woman.

I say this because I have been privy to witness come extreme cattiness lately. I make no judgments on whether it is warranted or not. Suffice to say, don't think that great amounts of revenge can come from very tiny packages.

It is a landmine that I want to avoid at all costs. I feel like one of the guys standing off to the side while Darth Vadar chokes the life out of someone -- this is cool to watch, but I never want that pointed in my direction.


And in an indication that 12 is my mental age and not by any stretch of the imagination my real age...

I have my 25th high school reunion next month. I work with people who are younger than that.

I found out information about the reunion on a Web site (how 21st century!) where they had pictures from a previous reunion. Suffice to say, I didn't recognize a soul in any of those pictures.

They also had a section featuring classmates who have died since graduation. This struck me since I fondly remembered most of them from my high school days and made me wonder if I was a bad friend for not keeping in touch with them over the years.

A quick survey of those around me showed I was not alone. Most people keep one or two friends from high school or college, but most of our school chums fall to the wayside as career, new family, etc., take up our time.

There are parts of high school I want never to relive again (bromine gas accident). There are people from high school that I would like to see again.

And would they recognize me today?

And everyone knows when there is a nuclear explosion, there are zombies.