Thursday, July 13, 2006

Tragedies And Mistakes

It is a national tragedy! A mistake of epic proportions!

Now, your task is to figure out where those two sentences go in this column.


McDonald's is pulling their Hot-And-Spicy McChicken sandwich. They said the entree never really took off after being introduced in January.

When I announced this in the newsroom, one woman said, "I didn't even know they had a hot-and-spicy chicken sandwich." Therein lies the problem.

Actually, I never ate one of them, so I really don't care if they stay or go. I've had better fare from other places, including my own kitchen.

But in discussing this news, my best friend announced he wanted McDonald's to bring back the McRib sandwich. I guess there is nothing better than pressed pork meat into a pseudo-rack of rib-like shape -- with a pickle slice.

I remember how messy those things were. They weren't better than an actual rack of rib, but somehow they were very addictive.

Drop me a comment below and let's chat about what other fast food favorites would be great to munch again.


I'm about to delve into something that I really have no business, but that's never stopped me before.

A dear friend of mine recently lamented about getting her hair cut. Not actually that she got it cut, but more that she got it cut off.

She had been growing out her hair and was quite happy with the length. She asked a beautician friend of hers to even out the back.

Before you can say Minoxidil, hair was flying everywhere and her previously flowing locks were now shorn very short. And I'm sure the tears were flowing as well.

In relating the story to me, she said what she truly dreaded was when her hair would grow out again and get to the "in-between" stage -- a length longer than chin level, but not quite shoulder length. She said her hair would stop growing for 5 months and stay at that in-between length.

I chuckled because I hear that all the time from women after they get their haircut. I can't empathize for obvious reasons, but I do sympathize.

And believe me guys; we will feel their pain and frustration even though we had nothing to do with it. Our best defense is to tell them (and rightly so) that they are still beautiful.

Then go after the beautician.

"Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design."


Anonymous said...

I am glad that you remembered the pickle. That is a very important
component of the sandwich.

Anonymous said...

getting your hair chopped off when all you wanted was a trim is very traumatic. And yes, it does stop growing for 5 months in that in between stage just to piss us off because IT KNOWS that there's nothing we can do to get it to look just right. It mocks us.

Anonymous said...

Okay, this isn't my favorite, it actually was my least favorite. How many people remember the vegetarian burger that McDonalds used to sell in the early nineties. If you looked at the frozen patty, you could actually see the seaweed in it. I was so glad to see that burger leave.