Wednesday, July 05, 2006

For The Republic

How did you celebrate the Fourth of July?

I spent it at home making Texas-style chili and defending the Republic from droids and Trandoshans. How better to celebrate Independence?

Hopefully, everyone did something to exercise his or her independence that was declared in 1776. Throw off the yoke of your oppressor -- sloth, overindulgence, whatever it is that is holding you back.

We can always use another Commando in the Republic.

It is also a good time to remember and honor those who defend our freedom. However, it appears that all freedoms are not equal.

A woman whose husband died while fighting in Afghanistan is now battling the government over her husband's tombstone.

The woman wants to place a Wiccan symbol on his government-issued plaque at the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetary. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Wicca is not among the 38 approved belief systems.

Wait. Read that again.

Wicca is not among the approved belief systems. You know what is an approved belief system? Atheism -- the non-belief in the existence of deities.

This probably has less to do with the approval of Wicca and more to do with the appearance of the Wiccan symbol -- a pentagram inside a circle. Draw your own conclusions.

Regardless of what you believe, one of the basic tenets of our history is freedom of religion. And as long as you don't force your beliefs on others, go ahead and worship away.

But the government needs to get out of the way. They aren't going to win on this one.


Anonymous said...

Trust me & Julie were all over this one. And not the Texas Chili.

That is as bad as saying being gay is a disorder.

Ahhh I love our government.

Harbinger said...

"But the government needs to get out of the way. They aren't going to win on this one."

Don't be too sure of that. The government seems to believe that it can do whatever it wants and then it acts like it can and then it does it. Look at signing statements, stem cell research, the war, spying on American citizens, and all the rest. What's a little religious discrimination?

Basically, you have to follow the line, believe what you're told, and worship the way they want you to.

If you disagree, you're, at best, unpatriotic and, at worst, a traitor.

Larry said...

I just believe (there's that word again) that public opinion still counts and it is the little battles that the government shouldn't involve themselves with that they end up with egg on their face.