Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Can't Find The Way

Why do all medicine list "mild burning sensation" as one of their side effects? Just once, can't someone have "will eat your brain and spit out the rocks" as a side effect?

As you can tell, my brain has gone for walkabout. I've really got nothing this time around.

In one of my previous rants, I talked about how Warner Brothers was attempting to update the classic characters of Bugs, Road Runner, Taz, Daffy and others by making them edgier and more hip. "Lunatics Unleashed" was their end result and it was an affront to all my cartoony memories.

I finally (accidentally) stumbled across the show last weekend. Ugh. I'm sorry. Give me the classics.


I did it. I signed up and am running a marathon in January.

There is still time for you to sign up. Come join me!

And yes, I did check with my doctor and she signed off on it.

Speaking of which, how many people have general physicians that are of the opposite sex? And how weird is it during physicals?

Never let it be said that I act my age!

"Mr. Gibbs... I feel sullied and unusual."


Anonymous said...

I have a young female doctor and I like it.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. you're going ot run a marathon... which one? My best friend has run 11 or 12.. and now my brother has the bug and is starting to run them. For some reason.. I still have NO desire!

Anonymous said...

I have a "mild burning sensation" without meds...