Thursday, April 06, 2006

Storm Clouds Approaching

Have you ever had one of those days when you can't keep a coherent thought in your head?

I've been having a couple weeks of those. Every time I think of something to write about, I've completely forgotten it by the time I get to a keyboard. It probably means that it really wasn't worth writing about in the first place, but there is a level of frustration that is building.

And the harder I try to concentrate on what I want to remember, the faster it slips through my mental fingers. It isn't that I can't concentrate on the task at hand, just those items I think of on the drive into work/home from work/to the ice rink.

A co-worker told me she thought I was very organized and together. She was being kind.

I have reached the point where I can remember quite a few things that require analysis. I am getting bad with things that are just memory things -- like my home phone number.

I figure if I can look it up, I shouldn't have to remember it. I just have to remember where to look it up.

Before you mock me with "getting old" comments, Albert Einstein once said he didn't remember his phone number because he could look it up and he wanted to save his brain for more important stuff -- like the Theory of Relativity.

I'm saving my brain space for the lifetime batting average of Cal Ripken Jr. (.276) or the conversions of teaspoons to tablespoons (3 to 1). Not quite the heady stuff of Einstein, but I bet my Jalapeno and Apple Glazed Scallops are better than his.

Eventually, the snowflakes of my thoughts will settle down and the storm whirling in my head will cease. But until then, beware of lightning flashes of inspiration and thunder rumbles of discontent.

"To let the brain work without sufficient material is like racing an engine. It racks itself to pieces."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If necessity is the mother of all invention, laziness must be the father."

There is apparently an entire sub-culture on the web devoted to solving just such problems and "Getting Things Done". For instance, the 43 Folders site. One of the more interesting and deliberately low-tech tools is the Hipster PDA.
