Monday, January 23, 2006

Balance Of Power

I'm now convinced that the greatest invention in recent history is heated seats inside my car. Now if they can only find a way to heat the steering wheel.


I have quite a few friends that are girls, which does not make them my girlfriends. Recently, they have been lamenting about how tough single life is.

What strikes me as odd is how they think they are somehow (flawed/not worthy/ugly/etc.) since they can't (get a date/find a man/umm.. you know *wink wink*). Speaking as a guy, did the pendulum swing after I got married?

Women, I have always felt, held the power in the beginning of the relationship. Women could name their own terms, because some guys will do just about anything to get a date.

(Read this column slowly. I'm typing slow due to an injury)

Now, women can afford to be picky. So, perhaps my friends that are girls are just looking for the right guy. If so, good for them.

When dealing in relationships, it is always good never to "settle" for someone. And I know there are plenty of "bad boys" out there that don't necessarily treat women the way they should be treated.

To my dear friends, hang in there. You are not destined to "be alone with cats" for the rest of your life. As it worked for me, sometimes you find the right person when you aren't looking at all.


My beloved Seahawks have made it to the Super Bowl for the first time in their 30-year history.

And they get to pound the Pittsburgh Steelers, which makes it even better. Why, you ask?

Because I have quite a few friends who are fans of the black and gold. And a Super Bowl victory will be something I can hold up for quite sometime.

The "betting window" has already opened. I have a bet with the morning anchor at the station. If the Hawks win, I get breakfast for a week. If the Steelers win, I make my 4-cheese macaroni and cheese for her.

Food bets are always best. Yum!

"Everything in this room is *eat*able. Even I'm *eat*able. But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies." -- Willy Wonka


Anonymous said...

Heated seats rule! Hoping the Steelers lose does not. Do you really not care about my quality of life for the next 12 months?

Larry said...

oh, I want this one so bad, I can taste it. I have way too many Steeler friends who have been lording 4 Super Bowl titles over me for far too long.

and remember, you knew he was a Steelers fanatic before you married him. :)