Monday, October 03, 2005

Blah, Blah, Blah

Yes, I have been slacking.

The amount of inertia and empathy I have been experiencing is only balanced out by the total disregard of my surroundings. There isn't enough nothingness to express how much I have been paying attention to anything at all.

Get the idea?

That said, I am feeling a very tiny bit of regret for not updating the site. Okay, maybe regret isn't the right word, but you get this today.

I have been more involved in music -- listening, not making -- and that seems to help pass the time. There are some bright spots along the way, but for some reason, I'm focusing on the negative.

I'm not normally that way. When the darkness hits, I can usually embrace it and twist it into my own origami for my amusement.

Lately, the waves have been crashing and I'm without a surfboard -- and I don't care.

That's it. No epiphany, no deep meaning, no secret message.

As a matter of fact, I originally decided to stop writing Touch Em All, because I didn't know if anyone cared or read it anymore. But I find myself in front of the keyboard once again and just rambling.

I need a reset button. I need a broom. And I need a holiday.

Do I need to upset the cart to rearrange the contents? Or do I have the patience and skill to selectively remove the bad apples without spoiling the lot?

And how does the real world do it without television as their guide?

"It's in my best interest to be open-minded and have open ears." -- B.J.Ryan, Orioles pitcher

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Anonymous said...

Larry ~ I enjoy reading your column. When it was listed on WBAL's websit, I made a point every Friday to read what you had written.

Larry said...

maybe that is part of the problem since I've been formally yanked off the site. I don't want to say more at this time, but ... I'll stop now.

Larry said...

oh... and thank you for reading!

Anonymous said...

Don't go away! Don't stop writing. I was very disappointed when TEA didn't appear in my inbox last monday. I was afraid that you had given it up for good. Then there would be no one out there speaking common sense and making us think!

Anonymous said...

Larry, I look forward to reading your insight, idealisms, etc. on the many different sunjects that you touch on. Many I agree with and some I don't, however you bring a very different and real aspect to the many different issues that surrond us today and Iwould hate to see that end.

Anonymous said...

larry, you sound depressed! is there anything we can do to help?

Anonymous said...

I was disappointed when your column was yanked from the WBAL website since I read that everyday and looked forward to finding which subject you were writing about that week. It took me awhile to find your column and load it into my Favorites. I dont' always agree with you, but enjoy reading what you have to say and deciding how I feel about a particular subject. Don't give up. Take a break if you need, but be sure to come back.

Anonymous said...

Larry, don't give up. For every one who actually posts a comment there are hundreds more who simply agree with what's been written and see no need to be redundant. You DO make a difference - people either agree with you ("Wow - wish I could say it that way") or disagree with you ("Man - he's full of hot air... again"), but the important thing is people do read your column and you make 'em think. (Gee, what a concept - people can actually think!) Everyone gets a little down every now and then - it'll pass and the world will look brighter eventually. Just have some patience with yourself and hang in there. So many of us would miss you if you decided to hang it up.

Anonymous said...

Larry, don't stop writing! I have you in my Favorites, too; I don't usually respond but I always enjoy reading your take on things. Besides, I have you to thank for the kitten thing, and I love that! lol Work on that origami my friend, I know exactly what you mean. :)

Larry said...

You all totally are the best. I appreciate all that was written here and to me directly. I don't know if it was depression, a lack of chocolate or something sinister, but I am coming around. Just wait until you see what is next.

No kidding. Thanks.