Monday, June 13, 2005

To Do Or To Just Think?

Is it better to want to do good, or perform the act of doing good?

Can you do good without meaning to? And does it count as much unless the intent is there?

Intent plays such a big part in many aspects of life. Parents are encouraging their children to "do your best." Athletes are lauded for giving 110 percent even if they don't win.

In our court system, intent is key in doling out punishment, and even charges are decided by what the alleged criminal's intent was. For example, if I intend to hit someone with my car, it is completely different than if I didn't intend to, but accidentally, create the same injury.

Conversely, if I try to help someone who is down and out by giving them money, but they use it to buy drugs or alcohol, am I really doing good -- even though my intent was to help them? So many different paths and how can we tell which to take?

Irish writer and playwright Oscar Wilde once said, "It's always with the best intentions that the worst work is done." Does that mean that unless I actually perform the act that I'm not doing good?

Another quote that makes the rounds often is "The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention." By this, good actions are always more important than any plan to do good, but can you do one without the other?

I feel like you can do either or both. Karma, in my view, is a fluid river, and to keep it going in the right direction, good intentions and actions are needed. There shouldn't be one exclusively, but you can't do enough to put you on the plus side on the ledger of life.

Show Me

A quick aside, we were discussing concealed weapons and I questioned the intelligence of having a concealed weapon.

I mean, if I want to carry a gun for protection and I have it concealed, a mugger will still try to assault me. But if I'm carrying it out in the open, he knows what I have and will probably shy away.

Make all concealed weapons illegal and start handing out holsters. I'm not saying we need to go back to the Wild West, but we don't hide our nuclear weapons, which are supposed to be deterrents from other countries attacking us.

I don't like guns, so I'm not carrying one -- even if it is legal. And I'm certainly not moving to Texas where carrying one unconcealed is legal. Nothing against Texas -- I love BBQ! Speaking of BBQ, I'm on a mission to find the best restaurant ribs. What a yummy quest -- anyone want to join me? "You can see the shadows wandering off somewhere/They won't make it home/But they don't really care."

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Anonymous said...

What brought on this outpouring?

Anonymous said...

Okay Larry, just admit to us, what did you do???

Larry said...

It wasn't me! There weren't any witnesses!

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend is looking for the best ribs, too. So far it's a toss up between Chili's and Red Hot & Blue....what have you found?
P.S. Love reading Touch 'Em All!

Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion:
the best ribs are at The Corner Stable in Cockeysville. World famous! I know people who travel up from DC just to get them

Larry said...

ok. next week, let's all discuss ribs -- for the betterment of taste buds everywhere!