Monday, June 27, 2005

Blame Game

The logic escapes me. Not surprising, but some days are worse than others.

I read a recent news article in my local neighborhood paper (yes, an actual newspaper) with the headline, "Dog bites woman, and is euthanized." Since this is my neighborhood paper, I decide to read further to find out if there was a dog on the loose and I didn't know about it.

It turns out the 2-year-old, 91-pound Akita had to be put down because it bit a woman in the nose and lips when she bent down to pet the dog.. The woman was treated for several days at Shock Trauma for her injuries.

The report said the dog had to be euthanized to check for rabies. Fortunately, the test came back negative.

In reading the story further, it turns out the woman who was injured was repeatedly warned not to pet the dog. Let me repeat: the woman who was injured was repeatedly warned not to pet the dog.

So, the woman gets bit and the dog gets killed -- all because the woman did something she was repeatedly told not to do. You can't see it, but my hackles are rising at the lunacy of the woman's actions.

In a small sense, I also think some of the blame for the dog's death has to fall on the owner's shoulders. Perhaps if the dog was up-to-date on its rabies shots, the animal wouldn't have to be destroyed to find out if the pet had the disease.

The onus and majority of the responsibility of this death lies in the lap of the injured woman. I feel bad that she got hurt, but I feel worse that her actions caused the euthanization of a family pet.

To me, this is akin to someone picking up a bottle of cleaner with the words, "POISON. Do Not Ingest," and then suing the cleaner company because the person drank it.

As I said, the logic escapes me. Unfortunately, a dog's life was lost in the process.

I can't stop shaking my head over this. Grrrr. And since I'm in a bad mood, why does a container of pure orange juice cost more than the same size container of some soft drink? Is the cost of growing something naturally more than mixing up a bunch of chemical to create a caramel-colored goo? In this day and age of healthy eating, how screwed up is this? "'Sowwy' doesn't make up for the fact that we had to reside in the unicorn stables for 36 days!"

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Add a comment below and tell me what you think or write to me if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Anonymous said...

honestly, i think that if the woman was warned, then she deserved to get bit and i have no compassion for her injuries. i find it incredibly ridiculous that the dog needed to be put down because of a stupid woman who disobeyed the owners instructions! basically, the woman deserved to be bitten for being irresponsible and doing something that she was told not to do!

Anonymous said...

hopefully the woman that was bit is not a breeder.

Anonymous said...

i hope the dog comes back to haunt her.....

Anonymous said...

She must be related to person who sued McDonald's after placing a cup of hot coffee between her legs and didn't think it would burn. A comedian said it best "Stupid people of the world must be made to wear signs so the rest of us will know what to do with you. Here's your sign."

Are they going to punish her?

Larry said...

nope. no charges are going to be filed against anyone. I'm not sure what they would charge her with anyway.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is, this happens over and over again in every neighborhood in America. Granted the owner should have been more responsible, but the punishment was unjust. Hopefully the injured party will have a physical (scar)reminder to listen to someone when told not to touch! That is just insane!

Anonymous said...

It is always the animal that breaks my heart when animals are treated in such ways. I still don't understand why when people have pitbulls (or other similar dogs) and they either train the dog to attack or it naturally ventures over that edge and attacks someone or something...why those owners aren't put down with their animal. I think they are as dangerous as the animal...but they get a 2nd is that right? The animals and young children are the only true innocents in this world...they don't have the ability to judge and form conclusions...but the animals pay with their lives. Please, owners...if your dog (or cat) has a chance of hurting someone, remove the could be saving Rover's life. It might not be 'right' to have to put the dog away or keep it from people, but some folks just aren't bright enough to know that "no means no". You know.

Anonymous said...

We live in a society today where few take responsibility for their actions. They do things they shouldn't and then are surprised when something bad happens. They can't accept the fact that their actions caused the problem so it must be someone else's fault. Unfortunately there are people who buy into it. I hope the dog comes back to haunt her too!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with your comment. It's the same to me as smoking after we all know the side effects and then suing because you get cancer.
Buying a "hot" cup of coffee, you spill it on yourself, but want to sue the company because the coffee was too hot. Going to MacDonald's..
and eating there day after day, getting fat,and then suing MacDonalds. Nobody forced you to smoke, nobody forced to buy hot coffee, nobody held you down and force fed you MacDonalds food. Society has gotten totally sue happy and out of control and the lawyers just keep getting richer.

Anonymous said...

That sucks.. but considering I once had a dog who had a bit of an attitude problem... I think the blame is shared almost equally. Was the dog in a confined area and the woman trespassed? Was there a beware of dog sign if it happened on the owner's property? Why did the owner expose an aggressive dog to the public without being able to contain or control it? Why wasn't the dog owner responsible enough to have the dog properly vaccinated? The moral of the story regardless... there are no bad dogs... just bad people. At least the dog has a better owner in heaven.