Monday, March 21, 2005

Get Off Of My Cloud

I was all set this time to totally rip Congress a new one for getting involved in the baseball steroids issue. I mean I was all fired up to question their direction and their thinking for getting into it when there are so many other problems they should concern themselves with.

I had my arguments ready -- baseball is a game, these are adults, what about high gas prices, what about the war in Iraq. I mean this is our national pastime, but does Congress really need to butt in?

I had counterarguments ready as well. The representatives on the panel constantly referred to protecting the children, which is all fine and dandy. However, why not protect them from drugs that have a broader impact and not affect just athletes.

I was ready!

And then, they decided they could go one better and get involved in the Terri Schiavo case.

I don't know Terri. I don't know what she wants. I don't know what was said between her and her husband.

I've never known anyone in her condition and I don't know how I'd react if this were happening to one of my family members.

But I do know that I wouldn't want that decision taken out of my hands. I do know what my family and I have discussed. Would a living will help? Sure, but that piece of paper doesn't change the thinking behind what was discussed.

I'm not sure where Congress and President George W. Bush feel they are helping and why they think they can get involved in individual cases. Have they opened the door to other people who want changes to their particular case? Are they setting precedent that nothing decided by a husband and wife cannot be considered binding unless they get it in written form?

There really is something scary about all this. How many more of my personal decisions are going to be taken out of my hands by 435 congressmen and a president?

This may be a decision and a debate that needs to go forward, but it does not and should not happen with the passion and speed that they are moving at now. This is something that should be carefully considered, not reacted to.

And this is something they shouldn't be involved in at all. Ultimately, who do we need to protect ourselves from -- our family or a "well-meaning" Congress.

Now, I'm scared. I don't have a living will. And I should. But I don't want Congress involved in my family's very personal decision. And now, I have to react. But get the heck out of baseball! Leave my sport alone. Fans will deal with those players who cheat, but I don't need Congressional interference to straighten out my game. I'll do that with my attendance, because the best place to make sure the owners and players get the message is in the wallet. "Imperio!"

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Write to me or add a comment below and tell me what you think or if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Anonymous said...

Regarding the Terri Schiavo case - My thoughts exactly!!!

Anonymous said...

I am SO with you on this one, buddy.
I was outraged! And I'm a Republican.

Larry said...

this just gets more and more political as it goes on.