Monday, January 31, 2005

A New Beginning

If you have found me on this site, you are (a) coming from my former home site (and thank you for coming to the new one), (b) part of the TEA mailing list (and if you aren't, you should think about joining), or (c) lost.

If you chose (c) ... (insert maniacal laughter).

The past few weeks have been wrapped up in searching for a new home for Touch 'Em All, the establishment of this area, and the negotiations to try to stay in my old home. So, I have been very neglectful in many aspects, but let me see if I can get you up to date.

I found a Long John's Silvers restaurant about 3 miles away from work. LJS is a weakness for me, but now that is it close, I find the wanting to be stronger than the actual having.

Don't get me wrong. I'm still going to chow on a Fish & More when the mood strikes me, but the desires are lessened now that I have ready access to krispies.

But what about my blood chemistry and weight?

The weight is holding steady at a number that I (and my doctor) are quite happy with. My cholesterol numbers dropped 120 points in one month -- shocking!

Shocking, though, is the state of affairs in Maryland. The governor is proposing many things for the state and it feels like slots will fund nearly every one of them.

It isn't that I'm against slots, because I'm just not a gambler with my money. My mentality is another matter.

The governor wants so badly to get slots into Maryland that he proposes to raise education funding -- if slots pass. His State of the State speech was sprinkled with slots talk throughout.

Slots are slots -- nothing more and nothing less. They are not a cure-all for the financial woes that plague our state. They are a distraction, but do they draw in money that normally wouldn't be in our state? The governor is willing to make that gamble in order to boost the coffers of the state.

However, gambling with our future is another matter. We shouldn't have to rely on the weaknesses of others to move our state forward. We need to find ways to make the tough choices and sacrifices in order to get what we want and need.

The recent snowstorms have kept me indoors and glued to my Playstation and computer. I have been reading some online gamer comics strips recently, and I shared one with my wife. She read it, smiled, looked at me and said, "my little geek." I prefer the term "chiphead," which was given to me by a former news director I worked with who looked like Yosemite Sam -- and was a genius in the newsroom (get well soon, Jim). More silliness next week now that I've gotten some serious stuff off my plate. Since I'm on my own now, there will be no disclaimer -- but there will be pie. "It is against my programming to impersonate a deity."

Touch 'em all with me, whether you agree with me or criticize me. I like the way you think! Tell me your opinion. Write to me at with your opinion or if you want to join the ever-growing e-mail list to have my column delivered right to your inbox.


Larry said...

It is at 6602 Reisterstown Road -- in front of the Reisterstown Road Plaza. They just opened up recently and are having a Grand Opening on Feb. 5. They are part of two new buildings that contain LJS, Taco Bell, KFC and A&W. If that isn't fast food nirvana, I don't know what is. :)

Michele said...

So why exactly were you yanked off I go to the site every day to read the local news, since i am usually working during both the 6 and 11 broadcasts. Of course, i always scroll down to see if theres a new TEA. Unless the site is being seriously revamped, is there really a need for your column to disappear from the site?

Larry said...

It was a policy shift by my company -- Internet Broadcasting Systems. there were apparently others throughout our network that wanted to do something similar on their site to my Touch 'Em All column. Management decided that it would be very difficult to attempt to manage all these columns, so it would be best for the local writers to focus on local news rather than commentary. as far as I know (and believe me, there was passionate discussion), WBAL-TV had nothing to do with me getting pulled off

Larry said...

If you go to the LJS web site, they have a "store locator" page where you can put in your address and it will spit out the closest place for you. I'm seriously considering charging them for all this free publicity. :)