Friday, October 27, 2006

A New Home

If you somehow ended up here, please go here:

At least for now....

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

In Your Food

Whatever you do, don't post copyrighted material to YouTube. Big Brother is watching.


Do you read the labels when you go grocery shopping? I mean, really read the labels?

I'm not talking about calorie content or fat grams. There is something sinister with our food.

I get eggs. We all do. And they all come from chickens.

But did you know there are special eggs that come from vegetarian chickens? Who knew chickens weren't vegetarians already?

I'm not naive enough to know that farm animals aren't only fed grains. That's how mad cow gets spread around -- feeding bad cow to good cows.

But since when is it marketable to promote vegetarian chickens? And if you want to really get weirded out, think about chickens with teeth. That's just scary.

And a new food label has appeared on the horizon -- animal compassionate.

According to the Whole Foods Market Web site, any food marked as animal compassionate assures that the meat and poultry was:
  • Raised without added hormones or anibiotics.

  • Never fed aminal by-products.

  • Raised by farmers and ranchers who care about the animals and the environment in which they live.

  • The standard also allows for the use of electric cattle prods, but only in emergency situations. Like when the cows realize they are about to become T-bones.

    I give up. What's the number for the pizza parlor?

    "I'll eat dinner after your dooming!" -- Applegeeks

    Monday, October 16, 2006

    Mocking The Mockery

    *** UPDATE ***

    NBC caved.

    (from the AP)

    Backing away from a confrontation with religious groups, N-B-C says it has decided not to show pictures of Madonna mounting a Crucifix when it airs her concert special next month.

    During her song "Live to Tell," Madonna sings from a mirrored cross wearing a crown of thorns.

    Some religious leaders called that a blasphemous publicity stunt. Several religious groups told N-B-C they would organize a boycott of one of the concert's commercial sponsors if the cross scene appeared, and were meeting next week to decide which company to target.

    A network official says it will use different shots that don't show Madonna during the song.



    For those people who think religious fanatics only exist in foreign countries, let me tell you they are alive and active in the United States.

    How did they get here? They were born here.

    I'm not talking about the groups that we all fear will infiltrate our borders and blow up our way of life. I'm talking about the people who are afraid of Madonna's crucifixion scene during her concerts.

    I haven't seen what she's doing. Frankly, that isn't my cup of tea... or Mountain Dew.

    But NBC is planning to air one of her concert performances in November. And the e-mails have started.

    In August, Madonna used a cross and performed a mock crucifixion during one of her songs. If you want to see what it looks like, click here.

    I'm not saying what she's doing is or is not correct. She has the right to perform as she wants and people have the right to go or not go.

    NBC, in that same vein, can show or not show what she's doing. They run the risk of people watching or not watching.

    And the viewing public, as we roll along, can also complain, watch, enjoy, whatever.

    But what really gets me is some of the e-mails we are starting to receive now -- more than a month before the concert.

    Most of them are polite, requesting that we do not show the concert if it contains the crucifixion scene. I'm always amused by people who protest because something MIGHT happen, but that's just me.

    However, some of these e-mails are scary. Writers are condemning anyone who works at the station to Hell, saying that children will mimic Madonna and use real nails, and "blood is on my hands."

    Wow. Someone needs an Oreo and a glass of milk.

    I'm all about freedom of speech. I believe healthy discussion is always good and people should have the right to express their opinions.

    But I do have a problem with those people who will use dire predictions, threats, and outright lies to further their own cause. All you are doing is diluting your message and making a mockery out of what is likely a legitimate argument.

    Making a mockery out of a mocking. How is that for irony?

    "I got terminal uniqueness/I'm an egocentric man/I get caught up in my freakness" -- Aerosmith

    Tuesday, October 10, 2006

    Value Of A Hug

    How much is a hug worth?

    A hug can be worth volumes depending on the circumstances. During times of stress, a hug can show support and reassurance. It can transmit empathy and understanding.

    A hug can also be a sign of affection -- a non-threatening way to begin to explore the limits of a relationship. Hugs can be the beginnings of something more.

    Now, there is a twist.

    How much would you pay for a hug?

    There is a new -- I don't know what to call this other than what it is -- a cuddle party. Yes, hugging for money.

    I found out about it because the station where I work is considering doing a story on cuddle parties. A quick Google search found the Cuddle Party site.

    The site claims the parties are "a structured, safe workshop on boundaries, communication, intimacy and affection. A drug and alcohol-free way to meet fascinating people in a relaxing environment. A laboratory where you can experiment with what makes you feel safe and feel good."

    Isn't this illegal in some states?

    I'm sure there is some social experiment going on here. Can someone go to a place, pay money, and have physical (and intimate) contact with a person, then walk away at the end of the night?

    Do we need more contact with others? Sure. Do I want to pay money for it? Only if there is a hockey puck involved.

    This might be nice if it was with a group I already knew. Then again, if I already knew you, I'm not paying money to hug you.

    I think they whole "paying money" thing is what is creeping me out. Are we really that desperate for physical contact? Or intimacy?

    Or is this just the new way for singles to meet?
